This is my first try at making a java-plugin for Unity. (made using Eclipse)
This application only uses the TAG from NFC chips, meaning it’s save to swipe any card across your phone.
My intention with this is to make a rpg game based on the values of your TAG ID.
For now it will be single player & single character. Later on I’d like to be able to make your own “party” with your different cards.
If it all works, I’d also like to make a PvP arena option, where you can fight other players with your self made party.
My inspiration for this came from the dutch trams & trains, where tourist have to buy a ticket that only works for one hour.
After that they often throw it on the ground, so the stations are often littered with them.
This application makes it possible to scan those tickets, even after they’re expired, and play with them.
EDIT 13-12-2015
The save system is finally complete!
All that there is left to do now is make the game!