This project was made specifically for my graduation thesis <> during my internship.
The thesis is about what’s needed for a game in this specific setting, the setting being a “VR-
experience”. It is comparable to going to the cinema, in the way that the user buys tickets and gets to play the game for some time at a specific location.
It’s important that the game is casual friendly, as many such users are not experienced ‘gamers’.
It’s important that the game makes proper use of Co-op mechanics, as the experienced is shared between players.
It’s important that the game strictly follows VR guidelines, as many players have never experienced VR.
It’s important that the game is immersive, as that is what makes VR shine!
I’ve used this game as an example during a “UX in VR” talk I held at Sogeti’s UX department.
About the game:
The game is your typical zombie shooter, you shoot zombies for a set time each level, for 6 levels. There are also ‘waves’ of zombies, and many different kinds with different attributes. There’s even a boss fight at the end with 2 stages!
The game can be controlled with a control panel, in which the moderator can select how many players can join the game (1 to 4), change the name of a player, and choose which level to play.
Many choices for the game were made by doing research and player testing, like a permanent red laser for where the player is aiming. (This seemed to make the game too easy, but players felt like gods and had great fun with it, which is the most important part of course!)
Technical notes:
The game is made with Unity’s deprecated multiplayer system (UNet).
Computers finding eachoter need to be connected to the same router, as the host sends constant UDP message’s to every device on the network. A cleint can pick up this signal and load the correct level and join the host machine’s game.
This game was made by only me in 10 weeks.